About Us

Shopmobility Moray is a registered Scottish charity, our number is SC023320.

The main aim of the charity is to alleviate the needs of people with mobility difficulties.  We provide a loan service of wheelchairs (manual or powered) and electric scooters enabling independent access to the shops and town facilities.

Manual Wheelchairs

The service is available to anyone who needs it, whether they have a short or long-term disability or are elderly and frail.  If requested, a volunteer can be available to escort, lend an arm or push a wheelchair.

Everyone who would like to use the service will be instructed in the use of the equipment.  They then complete and sign our registration form.  You must be registered in order to use the service, registration also includes cover under the Shopmobility Insurance.

There is a charge for the loan service.  The current prices are on display at the charity’s premises.

3 Wheel Scooter